About US

Strategy and soul.
Design and execution.
Aesthetics and conversion.

You can have it all.

 With us, you can have it all. We work closely with each of our clients to understand their vision and goals, crafting strategy that resonate with authenticity, drive towards objectives, and foster meaningful connections.

It began with a goal

Our Mission

Our mission is to help businesses enhance their online presence + navigate the complexities of digital marketing.

We're passionate about supporting small businesses in realizing the full potential of their brand. We do this by developing and implementing effective social media strategies. Our commitment to helping businesses thrive in the digital landscape is at the heart of what we do.

We firmly believe that succeeding with a social media strategy is about creating a meaningful and engaging connection with your audience.  We work closely with small business owners and brings experience, creativity and passion to the challenges of building a successful brand. 

Our commitment to helping businesses thrive in the digital landscape is at the heart of what we do.

We're passionate about supporting small businesses in realizing their full potential through effective social media strategies.

As we've grown and taken on more clients, we've gained valuable insights into the industry. We've learned, adapted, and evolved to stay on the cutting edge of digital marketing trends. Our dedication to staying informed and providing tailored solutions sets us apart.

We offer a wealth of experience, creativity, and a passion to help your brand succeed.

This is where we come in – to guide, support, and amplify your online presence


Hello, I'm Victoria MacGregor

Professional napper, Avid volunteer, Lemon obsessed, Cat owner, Piano player, Currently booking her next flight. 

I'm kind of obsessed with telling your story well. 
It's what keeps me up at night.

One thing about me is I get really invested in my clients businesses. What comes with this obsession is the need I feel for your businesses social media to look amazing. I take pride in being your one-stop-shop for all things digital media. I wear a lot of pants for each of my clients; photographer, videographer, content creator, researcher and ultimately, social media manager. Working with me means letting me be your biggest supporter. The most exciting part of my job is seeing how I have been able to tell a businesses story through a series of pictures, videos and words.

We Believe

Simplicity is the

ultimate sophistication.

The last 10% of the work

creates 90% of the impact.

Design it all,

then delete half.

The delight

is in the details.


Sleep Late / 

Four Day Weekends

Prioritization is Key /

Work Hard, Live Well

Take Care of Yourself

We believe in a philosophy that values your well-being and recognizes the demands of the digital world. Social media can be overwhelming and tiring, which is why we emphasize the importance of prioritization and self-care. You deserve to focus on what you do best – running your business. 

Sign up for a Free


Sign up for a free consultation to discover how we can elevate your brand's digital presence and achieve your social goals. 




Let's Make Something

Beautiful Together

Sign up for a free consultation and let's talk about how we can help you reach your social media goals.